Licensed Hams and unlicensed persons interested in radio are welcome to join the Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club and participate in all club activities. MVARC is dedicated to serving the communications needs of our community and to providing members with the opportunity to form and, strengthen friendships with other members and the public while operating in many different environments. One does not have to be a MVARC member to participate in club functions.
Receive access to the membership email reflector
Are eligible to vote on club business
Individual $20
Family $25.00
Student $15.00
If you've tested with MVARC in the last year $10.00
Grow it.
Help us run and maintain the K4US repeater
Help us fund refreshments at monthly meetings
Help fund annual club functions like Field Day and our GW's Birthday Special Event Station
Want more information about memberships? Email us:
Pay your dues.
Yearly MVARC membership dues should be received by May 1 each year. New members that join mid-year will be credited for the next full year.
Membership dues
$20 individual
$25 family
$15 student
$10 for those who test with MVARC
Please add $1 to membership fee
if paying via PayPal and add your call sign to the memo field.
Make Checks payable to:
Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 7234
Alexandria, VA 22307